Priložnosti za mlade – Odzivi pripravnikov tudi v tujem jeziku
Mladi so v okviru projekta Pripravniki pridobivali konkretne veščine in delovne izkušnje skozi enomesečno pripravništvo. Tudi Eva Iglesias Cruz je opravljala pripravništvo na podjetju Častnika Finance v Ljubljani in je svoje izkušnje z delom pri podjetju delila tudi z nami. Njeno poročilo je v angleškem jeziku, še prej pa si preberite kratko izjavo njene mentorice, Monike Klinar:
“Za sodelovanje v projektu Pripravniki v organizaciji mreže MaMa smo na Časniku Finance odločili, ker menimo, da je mladim potrebno dati čim več priložnosti, da si pridobijo izkušnje na delovnih mestih, ki jih resnično zanimajo. Menimo, da je podobnih projektov v Sloveniji veliko premalo. Z njihovo izvedbo se mladim odpirajo poklicne priložnosti in omogoča dostop do konkretnega praktičnega znanja, ki je ključnega pomena za uspešen vstop v poklicni svet.
S pripravnico, kateri mentorica sem bila, sva sodelovali pri projektu priprave izdaje tujejezične revije Slovenija vas vabi! v Španiji, Franciji, Nizozemskem, Braziliji in na Kitajskem. V mesecu dni je pripravnica pridobila izkušnje s področja vodenja in organizacije projekta, izvedbe marketinške raziskave trga, komuniciranja s potencialnimi partnerji, kot tudi izkušnje poročanja o napredovanju projekta. Soočena je bila z realnostjo konkretnega projekta ter podjetniškega razmišljanja, ko se je potrebno »znajti«. Hkrati je spoznala, kako deluje medijska hiša v Sloveniji. Z njeno zavzetostjo za delo, izpolnjevanje danih nalog in aktivnosti, kot tudi želje po novih znanjih, sem bila več kot zadovoljna. Prepričana sem, da ji bo ta izkušnja predstavljala dobro popotnica v karieri.” Monika Klinar
Odziv Eve na pripravništvo in pridobljene delovne izkušnje:
“When I got the opportunity to work in Časnik Finance I was really enthusiastic: it ment a step forward in my career towards a field in which I had never worked before. Until that moment most of the jobs I had (teaching languages, tour guiding, working as a sales assitant,etc.) implied direct contact with the people, great communicative skills and a good mood. So, the idea of sitting alone in front of a computer collecting data for hours was a challenge and a radical change for me. Surprisingly, I started to enjoy it since the very beginning of my internship.
In this case, the work consisted on identifying and contacting the main business newspapers and magazines of 7 different countries. The point was to offer them the possibility of collaborating with Časnik Finace for the distrubition of their supplement ‘Slovenia invistes you!’. This task, that apparently seemed simple to me, got quite challenging when I found myself struggling to find information… in Chinese newspapers!
Although the work didn’t imply being creative and the activity of collecting data of the different newspapers could sound repetitive, it was interesting to get to know what are the criteria that the advertisers take into account (circulation, number of readers, socio-demographic data, frequency of publication,etc) when they are looking for promoting their product in a foreign publication. I also enjoyed exploring which kind of business publications you can find in each country and to what extent they are exclusively focused on financial information or related to politics. When I had to ask for offers for priting services, I discovered how many little details are taken into consideration to get the final result. Anything is random (shine of the paper, binding, sizes, weight,etc) and the price can vary substantially depending on which options are chosen.
This job made me adopt good habits of organization. It was important to create documents in which I could classify all the information I was collecting and specify at what point of the process of the collaboration I was with each partner publication. I also learnt how to address professionally other companies via e-mail or phone.
Fortunately I got some good tips from my tutor. She made the experience enjoyable as she kept a friendly and helpful attitude during the whole intership. I felt comfortable to ask her any question and she kept in mind that I was not familiar with the market research tasks so she explained me patiently and clearly every step a had to follow. In order words, I guess that I was lucky to share this experience with her.
The only part that I didn’t like of the internship was its short duration. A month was not enough time to finish the project I was working on, so I had to transfer all the work done to a colleague that will conclude it. I would have liked seeing the results. Besides, I consider that after some weeks of working in a company is when you really start being familiar with the job and with your co-workers.
In any case, living this experience at least for a month was definitely a great training. For me it was a unique opportunity to get started in the Slovene world of work as a foreigner. I could do it in English and getting a experience in a professional field that was new for me. What else could you ask for?! ”
Eva Iglesias Cruz